You can buy the local specialties abundant in variety of a crop and an artifact reasonably from 4 places sold directly.

The “Hikari leek” by which the part where the sweetness is white much is also much. The sugar rusk made with 100% milkpan “YOKOPI heart-shaped rusk”. Good rice made in Chiba-ken and the high-quality “local brand of sake” brewed for water will introduce a gift Yokoshiba Hikari Town.
Agricultural produce direct sales place by Yokoshiba Hikari Town

Address:Yokoshibahikari Town Sibasaki 2357-2
Business hours:9:30~18:00
Closed:Open throughout the year.

Address:Yokoshibahikari Town Uehara 368-2
Business hours:10:00~18:00(Winter~17:30)
Closed:Open throughout the year.

Address:Yokoshibahikari Miyagawa Town2501-10
Business hours:9:30~19:00

Address:Yokoshibahikari Town Kitashimizu 341
Business hours:7:00~11:30
Closed:Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday
The local specialties enjoyed at a place sold directly
YOKOPI heart-shaped rusk 
The heart-shaped sugar rusk made with 100% milkpan. An illustration of YOKOPI of the Yokoshiba Hikari-machi mascot character is also included.

The heart-shaped sugar rusk made with 100% milkpan. An illustration of YOKOPI of the Yokoshiba Hikari-machi mascot character is also included.
Strawberry of Benihoppe, Yayoihime, Fusaotome colors a storefront in early spring. Everything is deep red and is superficial strawberry.

Strawberry of Benihoppe, Yayoihime, Fusaotome colors a storefront in early spring. Everything is deep red and is superficial strawberry.
Welsh onion with a mud

The “Hikari leek” 30 cm of white part is. The freshness with a mud is kept, and there is also much sweetness.

The “Hikari leek” 30 cm of white part is. The freshness with a mud is kept, and there is also much sweetness.
Fermented soybean paste bean jam bun 
The “fermented soybean paste bean jam bun” which built homemade fermented soybean paste up, wrapped bean jam in crowded fabric and steamed. Sweetness of the bean jam and faint saltiness of fermented soybean paste are good one.

The “fermented soybean paste bean jam bun” which built homemade fermented soybean paste up, wrapped bean jam in crowded fabric and steamed. Sweetness of the bean jam and faint saltiness of fermented soybean paste are good one.
Salt from Kujukuri Hikari 
Salt of the mellow taste which boiled seawater down by cold vapor.

Salt of the mellow taste which boiled seawater down by cold vapor.
The egg which has been just produced 
The egg the chicken fed on traditional private mixed feed has just produced.

The egg the chicken fed on traditional private mixed feed has just produced.
Sakata’s pickled plum

The large pickled plum which dried and pickled maturity plum by the sun.

The large pickled plum which dried and pickled maturity plum by the sun.
The good rice made in Chiba-ken and the sake brewed for water are so high-quality that I’m surprised. Local brand of sake of a sake brewing pride is “Honjozo Sasamidori” “unblended malt whisky” “Koukimai” etc..
The round clam sake brewing doing sake brewing made from home-grown America in the Sasamoto area called a place by the good water traditionally.”Hikarionimai” where I compared to folk art “Kiraigo” and was named is pure rice wine of a simple lip of the cup. It’s loved as the sake of a superior brand which represents a town.

The good rice made in Chiba-ken and the sake brewed for water are so high-quality that I’m surprised. Local brand of sake of a sake brewing pride is “Honjozo Sasamidori” “unblended malt whisky” “Koukimai” etc..
The round clam sake brewing doing sake brewing made from home-grown America in the Sasamoto area called a place by the good water traditionally.”Hikarionimai” where I compared to folk art “Kiraigo” and was named is pure rice wine of a simple lip of the cup. It’s loved as the sake of a superior brand which represents a town.